Our Services
Billingshurst Dental Practice accepts referrals for a wide range of Specialist Dental Services. We are fully equipped in modern and newly refurbished premises, utilising an experienced and highly trained team of professionals ensuring the highest standards of care for your patients. We are also able to provide sedation services - please note there are additional fees attached to this service and a pre-appointment consultation with the sedationistis required.
To set in place your referral, simply click on one of the service option buttons below. This will introduce you to your dedicated clinician and the services available in their field of expertise. You will also find a link to the referral form needed to complete.
Once received, Toni our dedicated referral coordinator will ensure that your patient is contacted, sent all relevant documentation and offered a consultation within 2 weeks. In the case of most oral surgery referrals, as long as we receive a suitable diagnostic X-ray, initial consultations will not be required.
On completion of treatment, you will be notified and where necessary supporting documentation attached.
Thank you for entrusting your patients to our care.